
JPL/NASA's AIRSAR/TOPSAR is a multipolarimetric, multifrequency, and interferometric airborne synthetic aperture radar capable of imaging in C‐, L‐, and P‐ bands (5.7, 24.5, and 68 cm) with 10 m spatial resolution. This paper introduces and explains 5 conversion processes that users need to apply to data products received from JPL's integrated AIRSAR processor. Numerical algorithms and approaches to remove both speckle and banding noises that are common in AIRSAR data have been investigated and evaluated. Among statistical adaptive speckle removal algorithms, G‐MAP (Gamma Maximum A Posteriori) had the best performance. For banding removal, a new method that we call combined principal components analysis (CPCA) has been developed. This method is proved very effective with our data. Radar signature differences were studied and compared at different wavelengths and between radar and optical (ETM+) images. Some subsurface objects (like water pipelines) were clearly visible in the radar images, especially from the P‐ band. Data fusion based on the color transform technique was employed to integrate Landsat 7 (30 m ETM+ data fused with the accompanying 15 m panchromatic data) and TOPSAR data after speckle and banding removal. The resulting fused image (10 m) brought out new features that were not evident in the original images and helped identify many features whose origin was not clear in the original images.

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