
Field evaluations of the efficiency of wheat genotypes and weed management treatments (pyroxsulam, isoproturon+diflufenican, mesosulfuron-methyl, hand weeding and control) and their interactive effects on wheat yield and associated weeds were performed during two successive seasons (2014/2015 and 2015/2016) at the agricultural experimental station of the National Research Centre, Nubaria, Egypt. Results showed that Gemmeiza-9 cultivar recorded the lowest values regarding dry weights of broadleaved, narrow-leaved and total weeds. Also, isoproturon+diflufenican achieved the maximum weed depression expressed in lowest dry material of broadleaved, narrow-leaved and whole weeds. The Gemmeiza-9 cultivar had the greatest plant height, number of spikes per m2, 1000 grains’ weight, and grain and straw yields per hectare. Moreover, the maximum values of the yield parameter were obtained from isoproturon+diflufenican application, followed by pyroxsulam and mesosulfuron-methyl. Application of isoproturon+diflufenican led to considerable anatomical effects on the leaves of either wheat or its associated weeds. In general, herbicide treatments caused a cell wall thickening and reduction in leaf and midrib thickness either in wheat or its associated weeds. Post-emergence herbicides (isoproturon+diflufenican) integrated with the Gemmeiza-9 genotype gave the highest values of productivity of wheat under sandy soil conditions.

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