
Recently, innumerable alterations have been observed in rural areas, such as the introduction of new technologies, agro-industrial integration and valuing of these areas as living and leisure places, having delicious and healthy products. In the wake of these transformations, some farmers have begun to realize that there are new possibilities of generating income. One of these opportunities has arisen through the development of agro-industrial production as a typical activity of family agriculture. By an interest in this subject, this article aims to verify if there are distinctions, and what are the distinctions between rural agro-industries of family and non-family agriculture, to the level of Brazil. Initially, rural agro-industries that are heterogeneous among them have been highlighted, being difficult to make inferences on aggregated data. However, the separation of data between agro-industries of family agriculture (FA) and non-family agriculture (NFA) has already made possible a cutout. Based on this assumption, some variables were selected from the Agricultural Census of 2006 to infer on eight products from the rural agro-industry. This way, through these data and variables, it was possible to identify that the rural agro-industry is more numerous in family establishments, as well as its total production coming mainly from it, with the exception of two products which production, between FA and NFA, is basically equivalent. Through the variable scale of production for the six analyzed products, it was possible to verify that they were above in NFA, and two in FA. The NFA is also highlighted with acquired raw material and commercialization in a greater proportion. In addition, commercialization channels are practically identical, with some exception, as long as the FA sells more to the final consumer and NFA to intermediate consumers. The conclusion have indicated that the distinctions between these two types of agro-industries are strongly connected to the logistics that manage them, once, in the majority of the proprieties of NFA, there is specialization and diversity in FA, what generates, consequently, distinct manners of operating in their agroindustries.


  • Innumerable alterations have been observed in rural areas, such as the introduction of new technologies, agro-industrial integration and valuing of these areas as living and leisure places, having delicious and healthy products

  • This way, through these data and variables, it was possible to identify that the rural agro-industry is more numerous in family establishments, as well as its total production coming mainly from it, with the exception of two products which production, between family agriculture (FA) and non-family agriculture (NFA), is basically equivalent

  • The NFA is highlighted with acquired raw material and commercialization in a greater proportion

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Ao se falar de agroindústrias pode-se incluir desde aquelas que estão em propriedades de agricultores familiares ou não familiares, até as grandes agroindústrias que se encontram localizadas no espaço urbano ou rural e muitas vezes não têm ligação com a população rural, além de obterem dos agricultores os produtos in natura para industrializá-los. Nas agroindústrias familiares artesanais há uma preocupação com a sanidade dos alimentos a ponto de os agricultores reelaborarem procedimentos do modo de fazer das receitas herdadas de seus antepassados com o intuito de atribuir um caráter mais padronizado ao produto, vindo ao encontro da legislação que normatiza os aspectos sanitários. No primeiro grupo encontram-se as agroindústrias que aparecem nos estabelecimentos como atividade e renda complementar, operam na informalidade ou no máximo atendem às exigências da inspeção municipal, elaboram seus produtos conforme o conhecimento tradicional, usam um local de processamento de alimentos onde são realizadas outras atividades não relacionadas; e realizam as vendas no mercado local, utilizando as relações sociais e estando próximos dos consumidores dos produtores. Nessa conceituação estão incluídas as formas de processamento e de transformação de matérias-primas que se originam na cozinha dos estabelecimentos rurais até aquelas agroindústrias que têm seu espaço físico separado da residência da família e/ou das famílias responsáveis por ela. Isso é o que iremos verificar mais adiante na apresentação dos resultados que distinguem as agroindústrias familiares das não familiares e que se encontram após a explicação dos procedimentos metodológicos adotados na elaboração deste artigo

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