
Based on the modern method of agro-energetic evaluation of anthropogenic non-renewable energy sources and natural renewable resources, scientific evidence of high economic efficiency of green fodder production on cultivated pastures is presented. Two field experiments on improving the composition of grass herbage with the participation of domestic zoned varieties of ryegrass pasture and Festulolium, as well as similar grass mixtures with the inclusion of legumes: creeping clover and meadow clover were carried out. The total anthropogenic expenses were determined as well as the recoupment of their exchange energy by 3-4 and even 10 times in the produced forage. The role of natural factors in the structure of the received exchange energy was determined. This serves as a theoretical basis for the economic efficiency of indicators of cultivated pastures created by resource-saving technologies: mainly due to the longterm use of cereal grasses (for 14 years) or the receipt of biological nitrogen on legume-grass stands, which replaces the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers in the dose N126-131 per year (average for 7 years) on dry grasslands of the Nonchernozem zone.

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