
The relative roles of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger in providing Ca2+ for tension generation in immature heart are not well established. Developmental changes in the mechanisms underlying Ca2+ influx may influence the time course of the intracellular [Ca2+] transient. Accordingly, we have characterized age-related changes in the time course of the rise in[Ca2+] during cell contraction. Single ventricular cardiac myocytes were isolated from neonatal (3D), young (14D and 30D), and adult (60D) New Zealand White rabbits. Myocytes were loaded with the Ca2+ sensitive fluorescent dye, Indo-1 AM (0.1 mM). The time course of [Ca2+] was measured using the ratio of the light emitted at wavelengths of 400 and 500 nm. We found that the time to the peak rise in [Ca2+], (Tp), shortened markedly with development. Tp was 462±48 ms (8) for 3D, 262±52 ms (8) for 14D, 82±18 ms (5) for 30D and 50±5 ms (7) for 60D myocytes [values represent mean±SEM (n)]. Thus, unlike adult heart, Tp in neonates roughly corresponds to the duration of the cardiac action potential. In neonatal cells, Tp shortened to 313±64 ms (6) when extracellular Ca2+ was increased from 1.8 to 5 mM. Similarly, Tp shortened to 306±58 ms (5) when cells were loaded with a lower concentration of Indo-1 AM (0.05 mM). These effects likely reflect the shortening of the action potential seen in immature heart when intracellular Ca2+ is not buffered. Tp in adult cells was not significantly affected by changes in extracellular Ca2+ or by changes in Indo-1 loading: Tp was 61±17 ms (4) in 5 mM Ca2+ and 80±23 ms (3) when loaded in 0.05 mM Indo-1 AM. The prolonged time to the peak of the Ca2+ transient in neonatal heart demonstrates that significant changes in excitation-contraction coupling occur with development. These data suggest that the time course of the Ca2+ transient is closely coupled to the action potential duration in immature heart but not in mature heart. Furthermore, since voltage-gated Ca2+ channels rapidly inactivate, the slow, sustained rise in [Ca2+] in the 3D myocytes suggests that the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger may play an important role in Ca2+ influx in immature heart.

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