
In a separate paper (Decin et al 2003), we have re-examined the observations of IR excess obtained with the ISO satellite and discussed the ages of stars with excess. The amount of dust (measured by the luminosity fraction \fdust=L_\mathrm{IR}/L_{\star}) seen around main-sequence stars of different ages shows several interesting trends. To discuss these results in the context of a physical model, we develop in this paper an analytical model for the dust production in Vega-type systems. Previously it has been claimed that a powerlaw slope of about -2 in the diagram plotting amount of dust versus time could be explained by a simple collisional cascade. We show that such a cascade in fact results in a powerlaw \fdust\propto t^{-1} if the dust removal processes are dominated by collisions. A powerlaw \fdust\propto t^{-2} only results when the dust removal processes become dominated by Pointing-Robertson drag. This may be the case in the Kuiper Belt of our own solar system, but it is certainly not the case in any of the observed disks. A steeper slope can, however, be created by including continuous stirring into the models. We show that the existence of both young and old Vega-like systems with large amounts of dust (\fdust\simeq 10^{-3}) can be explained qualitatively by Kuiper-Belt-like structures with \emph{delayed stirring}. Finally, the absence of young stars with intermediate amounts of dust may be due to the fact that stirring due to planet formation may not be active in young low-mass disks. The considerations in this paper support the picture of simultaneous stirring and dust production proposed by Kenyon and Bromley (2002).

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