
According to paleofloral and Rb-Sr isotope data, the Nyavlenga structure was rapidly formed in the initial Albian (Buor-Kemyus phytostratigraphic horizon). Igneous rocks of this structure belong to the calcalkaline series characteristic of the early development stage of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (OCHVB), owing to which it differs distinctly from the bimodal riftogenic complex of the Omsukchan Graben (Silyap Horizon). The early development stage of the OCHVB outer zone (Buor-Kemyus, Arman, and Amka horizons) was accompanied by multiple volcanic cycles (andesitic → dacitic-rhyolitic associations) with the formation of corresponding structures. There is a need for elaborating a special nomenclature for identifying volcanic cycles and related structures.

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