
Two scientific methodical approaches are singled out to research military economics: as a constituent part of military business which provides for the defence (military) potential of the state, and as a science which studies regularities of economic provision for military business in the state (defence, building, maintenance of armed forces, etc.). It is to be noted out that the competition at the world market of weapons takes place mainly between the USA, Russia, Germany, China and France, the share of which constitutes 74% of military production export. Within the framework of researching military economics are singled out branches manufacturing planes-fighters and production for cosmic sphere. Advantages were shown of planes-fighters of the fifth generation of the USA F-22, F-22 and F-35 Lightning 11 (project is financed by the USA together with Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Turkey, Norway and Denmark) over Rus-sian-Indian project T-50 and Chinese Chengdu J-20 and J-31. The evaluation is made that leading countries are able by 2030 to build planes-fighters of the sixth generation. The opinion is expressed that the geopolitical position of Ukraine and, in particular, the aggression and annexation of Crimea by Russia make a priority of restoring the fighting capability of the military aviation of Ukraine and of increasing the level of its combat power. It is stressed that for this purpose it is necessary to systematically and rather rapidly substitute the Soviet-Russian aviation technology for American one. The possible ways for equipping armed forces of Ukraine with new planes-fighters are determined the following: their development and manufacture in cooperation with other countries or the organization of licensed manufacturing, import, rent or lease of present-day fighting planes of foreign make. Taking into account that Ukraine enters the club of cosmic states and through the lacking finances it at present is unable to compete on equal terms in manufacturing aerocosmic technology it is suggested to re-orient the economic policy of the country at integrating into European cosmic branch. It is pointed out that for this purpose it is necessary to load the capacities of the State enterprise «Production association «Southern machine building plant named after O.M.Makarov» and designing bureau «Pivdenne». It is recommended to develop the cooperation of Ukraine in manufacturing rocket-carriers «Zenith» for projects «Sea start» and «Land start» and the cooperation with American companies (Orbital ATK - RH «Antares») and European (AVIO, Italy - PH «Vega»); to implement ambitious Ukrainian-Brazilian project «Cyclone-4». It is made more precise that Ukraine may propose to partners the cooperation in continuing the development of multifunctional rocket operative- tactical complex «Sapsan».


  • The development of high technological branches of economics in world countries is becoming decisive for the intensive type of economic reproduction because the transfer to manufacturing highly technological production is accompanied by decreasing materials- and power capacities of production, by increasing labour productivity and, correspondingly, by growing the competitiveness of a country

  • A characteristic feature of the present-day development of the world market of weapons and military machinery is that potential importers begin to carry out more demanding policy in this sphere

  • The trade by weapons is an important instrument of foreign policy which contributes to advancing interests of countries-exporters all over the world and correspondingly influences the political course of countries-importers

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Ukrainian economists: T.M. Velenteychyk (Popovych, Velenteichyk, 2010), O.V. Dehtyarev (Dehtyarev, 2013), V.P. Gorbulin (Gorbulin, 2015), I.L. Sazonets (Sazonets, 2016), I.G. Khanin (Khanin, 2015), and A.I. Kharuk (Kharuk, 2008) devoted their works to study the development of military branches of industry in Ukraine. Notwithstanding the availability of rather substantial developments of this theme, deeper research requires the generalization of world experience in using the production of highly technological branches in developing the defence potential, in particular, on account of aerocosmic branch. The objective of the article is to research theoretical principles and applied problems in functioning of the world market of aerocosmic production, to generalize world experience in developing aerocosmic branch as a factor of defence capability and to determine ways of strengthening competitive positions of Ukraine at the market of aerocosmic production

Theoretical constituent parts of military economics
Competition at the world market of production of military designation
International competition of market proposals for combat airplanes-fighters
Development of aviation branch in military economics of Ukraine
Leadership of the USA in aerocosmic branch
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