
The advertising vocalization of the clamorous reed warbler, one of the least studied representatives of the genus in the Palearctic, has been analyzed. In this species, advertising vocalization consists of compact acoustic constructs (songs) separated by pauses. The duration of songs (median 3.6 s) and pauses (median 2.9 s) varies only slightly. Each song consists of three to four different or identical syllables. Syllables (stereotyped acoustic constructs) consist of two to four notes. Each male has from 5 to 25 syllables in his repertoire. A sharp contrast between low-frequency and high-frequency notes and strict sequence of these notes in syllables (low-frequency notes come first, then follow high-frequency notes) are characteristic of this song. All types of syllables in the song of a given male can be divided into two groups: initiator syllables and other syllables. Initiator syllables most often occur at the beginning, while others occur in the middle or at the end of the song. Stable links between syllables have been revealed: the majority of them occur in the song together with certain syllables (one or two) of other types. The whole range of songs of each individual can be divided into several classes. A certain type of initiator syllable and a certain set of subsequent syllables are characteristic of each class. However, the variability of songs within each class is quite high. Modes of immediate and eventual variety alternate in the sequence of songs from different classes. Thus, 47.4% of songs are followed by a song from the same class (eventual variety), while 52.6% of songs are followed by a song from a different class (immediate variety). The advertising vocalization of the clamorous reed warbler is compared with that of other representatives of the genus Acrocephalus.

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