
We have studied the effect of a vitamin- and potassium-supplemented liquid protein fast on mineral metabolism of six obese subjects (five women, 1 man) for 40 days. Each patient was admitted to a metabolic ward and was given daily 300 Kcal, 75 mg of calcium, 406 mg of phosphorus, 7 mg of magnesium, 33 meq of potassium, and 11.5 g of nitrogen. Urinary calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels were greatest during the first week, but decreased as the fast continued to 21, 31 and 300 percent, respectively, above intake. Cumulative urinary losses of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were 58, 75 and 500 percent greater, respectively, than the cumulative intake. Fecal losses for calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were less than urinary losses throughout the study. Cumulative fecal losses of magnesium were more than 30 percent greater than dietary intake. Mean daily balances were −104 mg (calcium), −48 mg (magnesium) and −363 mg (phosphorus). Serum phosphorus and magnesium levels did not change. However, serum calcium levels decreased (−0.5 mg/dl, p < 0.05). Serum bicarbonate levels decreased 20 percent during the first 8 days of the fast, at which time urinary ammonium was maximal, but later returned to control values despite sustained increases in serum and urinary acids throughout the fast. Ammonium excretion was 260 to 300 percent above control values. Urinary titratable acid excretion was greatest early in the fast but subsequently decreased as the excretion of phosphorus declined. Titratable acid accounted for less of the excreted acid (7 to 21 percent) than did ammonia (70 to 90 percent). It is concluded that a liquid protein fast results in negative mineral balance that is not reflected by serum values and is due primarily to renal losses. The losses of magnesium were proportionally greater than those of calcium and phosphorus. These studies indicate that a liquid protein fast results in depletion of the intracellular and/or skeletal stores of these minerals.

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