
The United Kingdom (UK) as a whole has a long-established decades-old history as an early adopter of the concepts of Advance Care Planning (ACP), with significant integration into mainstream national policy and widespread implementation. The ACP term itself, its processes, means, inclusions and implementations vary considerably within the UK and between its four nations, but the overall impression is of a strongly uniting consensus on the positive impact, value and vital importance of ACP in enabling better care for people in the final years of life, and at earlier life stages. Though there is always more work to do and more lessons to learn, those of us who have watched this world-wide movement grow over recent decades, find the overall direction of travel of commitment to mainstreaming ACP in the UK to be inspiring and encouraging, and gives us hope for the future. Across the UK, there is much shared history, policy, objectives, and regulation related to ACP, and at the same time, many variations in approach, tone, emphasis and detail within and between the four nations of the UK. The 2022 Office of National Statistics reports that the four nations of the UK have a combined population of 67 million (England 56.5 million, Scotland 5.5 million, Wales 3.1 million, Northern Ireland 1.9 million). All four nations are prioritising ACP as part of national policy, aiming to deliver more personalised care, particularly but not exclusively for those nearing the end of life, with a wide variety of best practice examples. Here we describe some common areas and variations across the UK history, policy and legal perspectives, some examples of best practice, resources, and exciting developments across all four nations which, although not exhaustive and within the limitations of our brief, reflect the flavour of our shared commitment. We are most grateful to all the contributing authors.

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