
New QTL for Septoria tritici blotch detected in hexapoid spring wheat under field conditions across diverse environments. Septoria tritici blotch caused by the ascomycete fungus Zymoseptoria tritici presents a serious and consistent challenge to global wheat production. In particular the augmented use of soil management practices that leave large amounts of wheat stubble on the soil surface and global warming increases the chance of Septoria tritici blotch epidemics to emerge more frequently including in developing countries. Two recombinant inbred line populations developed from a cross between the susceptible Moroccan spring bread wheat variety 'NASMA' and the CIMMYT resistant lines, 'IAS20*5/H567.71' and 'RPB709.71/COC' were used to study the genetics and map adult-plant resistance to Septoria tritici blotch under field conditions in different environments. Resistance to Septoria tritici blotch in both populations was quantitative and overall, five across environment consistent resistance loci on chromosomes 1BS, 3AL, 5AL and 7AS were detected in the two populations. The QTL on chromosome 1BS and 7AS are likely to be allelic with the known Septoria tritici blotch genes Stb3 and Stb11. All identified QTL were additive and explained between 4 and 27% of the phenotypic variation. Epistatic interaction was not observed. Low cost KASP assays were developed as flanking markers for all five QTL that will facilitate molecular breeding. Our study represents the first mapping effort under field conditions utilizing two spring bread wheat resistant sources evaluated over multiple environments.

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