
Production of testosterone and oestradiol-17 beta by Leydig cells from adult rats was stimulated by LH or dibutyryl cyclic AMP (10 and 2.5-fold respectively). The addition of spent medium from normal, hemicastrated or gamma-irradiated rat seminiferous tubule cultures, as well as from Sertoli cell cultures, to purified Leydig cells further enhanced both basal (44 and 53% for testosterone and oestradiol-17 beta respectively) and LH-stimulated (56 and 18%) steroid output. Simultaneously, a decrease (20-30%) in intracellular cyclic AMP levels was observed. This stimulating factor (or factors) secreted by the Sertoli cells is different from LHRH, is of proteinic nature and has a molecular weight ranging between 10,000 and 50,000; its synthesis is not controlled by FSH nor by testosterone. This factor(s) involved in rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis, at a step beyond the adenylate cyclase, does not require protein synthesis for testosterone formation whereas it does for oestradiol-17 beta production. It should be noted that a germ cell-Sertoli cell interaction modulates the synthesis of this factor(s).

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