
The article is starting with a critique to the publication from a spanish, who pretended to find in Colombia the solution for the problematic that generates the pregnancy in the adolescence, suggesting: To take away the babies from the adolescents, by fair means our foul, and ask the gringos to fumigate the national territory with condons and pills so that the minors don’t destroy their own lifes neither their sons. Immediately, the author of this article, presents an argumentation to demonstrate that the solution to reduce this problematic is very complex and neither can be based on coercives measures; on the contrary, a taking of conscience is required from the adults, about the necessity of been prepared for their own sexual education and so can offer it since sooner than the birth and through the different quotidian events, with an integral focus. Posteriorly, a gamut of factories that are associated with the precocious start of sexual relations and the pregnancy in adolescents are presented, which habe been known through the project denominated Fomento de Responsabilidad Procreativa para Adolescentes. Finally, there are presented some propositions of alternatives about the form how the situation could be boarded, so that since the childhood, many people can be able to take autonomous and responsible decisions in all the situations of their lifes, been one of them, the responsible management of the sexuality, that must be share equal between men and women.

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