
This article briefly discusses some of the most common myths about adolescent pregnancy examines why it is a major social problem and presents some ideas about what can be done to prevent adolescent pregnancy. 4 myths prevalent today are corrected. These myths include: 1) adolescent pregnancy and parenthood is a rapidly spreading epidemic; 2) adolescent pregnancy and parenthood is primarily a minority problem and urban problem or a problem of poor youth; 3) the typical teenager giving birth is single and under age 18; and 4) all adolescent boys are irresponsible sexual partners and refuse to take any responsibility for any children they may father. Adolescent pregnancy is a problem because of the resulting truncated education eroded earnings single parenthood and social costs of early parenthood. In order to prevent early parenthood and to help teen parents teens need increased capacity to prevent pregnancy compelling reasons to prevent pregnancy and services and support. The authors also list the addresses and phone numbers of national organizations books and reports newsletters and journals curricula and program guides literature for teens and media campaigns dedicated to adolescent pregnancy.

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