
This research under the title of (Adjective Phrase in Kurdish) An attempt to identify the use of adjective phrases in Kurdish, According to the ( X-Bar) theory and some other branches of theory that are parallel to this theory, According to this branch of theory, syntactic structures are constructed by lexical elements and the information stored in the mental lexicon, Reliance syntactic and semantic knowledge, However, we have relied more on syntactic information for the appreciation and analysis of phrases, We have resorted to semantic information as necessary, We have shown the ability and will of the Adjective as a grammatical head and have explained the order of the heads and complements, In general, attempts have been made to portray the adjective as a projective lexical element in the phraseology of the adjective, not as materials expanding the noun phrase, Because adjective have the ability to Selection syntactically and semantically As a grammatical head, it contains all the characteristics of a head and is generally the last head in the structure of phrases. All these are presented in two chapter in the study in addition to the introduction, conclusions and list of sources.

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