
1. 1. The gross composition of subcutaneous and mesenteric adipose tissues was investigated in Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (a migratory finch) made obese by photostimulation. 2. 2. The weights of fat, water and dry residue are linear functions of the gross weights of the tissues. The weight of water is a positive linear function of the weight of fat. Mesentric adipose tissue contains relatively more fat and water than subcutaneous tissue but the differences are slight. 3. 3. In the attributes examined, adipose tissues from captive Z.l. gambelli do not differ essentially from those of laboratory rodents and man. In free-living Z.l. gambelii and in other species that have been investigated, the water content of adipose tissues is conspicuously less or increases less with increasing fatness than in captives. 4. 4. As a working hypothesis that is consistent with this discrepancy it is proposed that the water compartment of adipose tissues in free-living birds can function as a minor water reserve that may assume special significance in maintaining water balance during prolonged migratory flights.

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