
<i>To the Editor</i>.—I would like to compliment Gates and Folbre<sup>1</sup>on their very timely commentary on adenotonsillectomy in the May 1986 issue of theArchives. It fills a definite need for a current establishment on indications for these procedures. I would, however, like to have seen more elaboration on chronic upper airway obstruction as an indication for adenotonsillectomy. Each year we see a number of children between the ages of 4 and 9 years with symptoms of loud snoring at night and oral breathing. The parents will often state that the child is also somewhat irritable and has a short attention span. On physical examination, these children are often pale, rather small for their age, and thin. They are usually oral breathers; their tonsils approach the midline; and some have high-arched palates and elongated faces. Adenotonsillectomy in these patients is one of the most gratifying procedures we have

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