
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) have been correlated with traditional semen parameters such as forward motility and sperm count. ATP and ADP were determined by a bioluminescence assay using the luciferin-luciferase reaction. Short boiling of the ejaculate was performed to inactivate phosphatases (ATPases) in the seminal plasma and the sperm tails. Fresh and deep-frozen semen samples from 45 men with oligozoospermia (n = 22) and normal sperm count (n = 23) were evaluated. Freezing of the sperm for 12 weeks did not effect the ATP or ADP content in the spermatozoa as compared to fresh semen. ATP and ADP concentration was in the range of picomoles/microliter and showed a significant correlation with the number of normal sperm per milliliter and a less marked correlation with the sperm motility. ATP and ADP concentration in the spermatozoa can be measured relatively easy and is reproducible. Unlike the monotonous evaluation of sperm motility by a technician, this biochemical method provides an objective parameter for semen quality. These qualities suggest that this method could be a way to determine the fertilizing potential of semen and to relate this to actual pregnancy rates.

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