
A complete protocol is presented for in vitro regeneration of Milletia pinnata (L.) Panigra-hi, a biodiesel producing medicinal tree, using cotyledonary nodes derived from axenic seed-lings. Shoot development was induced from cot-yledonary nodes on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 8.88 and 11.1 μM benzyladenine (BA) with or without ad-ditives (silver nitrate (AgNO3) and/or adenine sulphate (Ads)). The maximum number of shoot bud (24.33 buds/explant) and elongated shoots (8.33 shoots/explants) was developed on a medi-um containing 8.88 μM BA with 11.84 μM AgNO3 and 108.6 μM Ads. Upper 2.0 cm portion of elon-gated shoot was harvested for rooting and re-maining portion was cut into nodal segments and cultured on a fresh medium for further mul-tiplication. Thus, from a single cotyledonary node about 40–45 shoots were obtained within eight weeks of culture. Sufficiently long shoots were excised and rooted on half-strength MS supple-mented with 9.84 μM indole butyric acid (IBA). Plantlets were successfully acclimated and estab-lished in soil.

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