
SummaryBackgroundThe role of diet in health is well established and, in the past decade, more attention has been given to the role of food choices in the environment. The agricultural sector produces about a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), and meat production, especially beef, is an important contributor to global GHGE. Our study aimed to address a fundamental gap in the diet-climate literature: identifying consumers who are receptive to making dietary changes, and the effect of their potential changes on GHGE, diet healthfulness, and diet costs.MethodsDietary data on US individuals from a nationally representative survey were linked to food-related GHGE. We identified individuals receptive to changing their diets (potential changers) as those who reported trying US dietary guidance and were likely to agree that humans contribute to climate change. We assessed GHGE, diet healthfulness measured by the Healthy Eating Index (HEI), and diet costs before and after hypothetical changes replacing either beef or meats with poultry or plant-protein foods.FindingsOur sample comprised 7188 individuals, of whom 16% were potential changers. These were disproportionately women, highly educated, or had higher income compared with individuals deemed not likely to change. Replacing 100% of beef intake in potential changers with poultry reduced mean dietary GHGE by 1·38 kg CO2-equivalents per person per day (95% CI 1·19–1·58), a 35·7% decrease. This replacement also increased mean HEI by 1·7% and reduced mean diet costs by 1·7%. We observed the largest changes when replacing all beef, pork, or poultry intake with plant-protein foods (GHGE decreased by 49·6%, mean HEI increased by 8·7%, and dietary costs decreased by 10·5%). Hypothetical replacements in the potential changers alone resulted in whole population reductions in 1-day dietary GHGE of 1·2% to 6·7%, equivalent to 22–126 million fewer passenger vehicle km.InterpretationIndividual-level diet studies that include a variation in response by consumers can improve our understanding of the effects of climate policies such as those that include sustainability information in national dietary guidance. In our study, we found that changes by a small percentage of motivated individuals can modestly reduce the national dietary GHGE. Moreover, these substitutions can modestly improve diet healthfulness and reduce diet costs for individuals who make these changes.FundingWellcome Trust.


  • Dietary data on US individuals from a nationally representative survey were linked to food-related greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE)

  • After developing an algorithm to identify these individuals, we studied an array of simple substitutions in their diets to assess the potential changes in GHGE, diet quality, and diet cost

  • NHANES=US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. *NHANES 2007–2010 adults who responded to questions about trying dietary guidance (MyPyramid or Food Guide Pyramid). †Potential changers are individuals who reported trying dietary guidance and were estimated to be likely to agree that humans contribute to climate change; these individuals comprised 16% of the sample. ‡We used χ2 tests to test for association between being a potential changer and each of the categorical demographic variables; we used Student’s t test to test for differences between potential changers and non-changers on each of the consumption variables. §Commodity amounts of edible portion of the meats

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To address this gap in the literature, we aimed to examine hypothetical changes in the self-selected diets of individuals in the USA

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