
In this paper, we propose a deep collaborative filtering recommendation model, which consists of an attention-based representation learning component and a multi-input matching function learning component. This model takes interaction matrix based on implicit feedback as data source to construct representations of long-term user preferences and item latent features. In the representation learning, a time-aware attention network is used, which uses the embedding vectors of the predicted item, recent historical interaction items, and the interaction time of recent historical interaction items to estimate the weights of different historical interaction items to short-term user preferences modeling. Then, the dynamic user preference representation can be obtained by combining short-term preferences with long-term preferences. In the matching function learning, a multi-input deep learning model is used. Its input includes not only the dynamic user preference representation and the item latent feature representation, but also the linear interaction between the two representations, so that the model has more powerful feature interactions learning ability. Experimental results on four datasets from different domains show that our method is largely superior to the state-of-the-art collaborative filtering methods, and the novel techniques we propose in this paper are effective in improving recommendation performance.

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