
In a noisy manufacturing environment, range-based target localization for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) experiences various variations in range measurements, thus causing the unsatisfactory results. Starting from an empirical observation on the existing various industrial noise distribution, in this paper, a diffusion Gauss–Newton (GN) algorithm with cooperation strategy is proposed for solving target localization non linear-least-squares problem in a WSN. The proposed algorithm has an equalization effect on the unbalance noise distribution over the network by aggregating the global estimates into local GN update via diffusion strategy. When facing a hostile industrial environment where the ambient noise is heterogeneous or has the sudden changes across partial nodes, the significant performance degradation is produced by diffusion GN. To solve the problem, we propose further an improved version of diffusion GN, which is adaptive to sudden changes on noisy range measurements. Instead of using a static combiner, the new algorithm leverages the evolutionary game theory to assign a time-varying weight for the estimate from each neighboring node based on the individual range error. Consequently, the good estimates from the neighbors with high SNR have a larger weight in the combiner than the bad estimates caused by the low SNR or high noise. We also propose a simple but effective energy-accuracy tradeoff scheme by using a sigmoidal utility function. Some simulation examples show that the standard diffusion GN is effective in stationary noise and its improved version provides the adaptation to changing noisy environment. The effectiveness of energy–accuracy tradeoff is also validated.

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