
One of the most obvious features on the foredunes and strands of coasts and lakes is recurrent burial in sand. Burial levels vary in different coastal sand dune systems and influence the physical and biotic microenvironment of the plant and soil. Foredune plants along coasts possess numerous adaptations to withstand burial. Studies show that below a certain threshold level of burial, the growth of all foredune plant species is stimulated probably because of multiple factors, namely improved soil resources, increase in soil volume, reactive plant growth, and enhanced mycorrhizal activity. However, as the level of burial increases, the positive response starts to decline until it becomes a negative value. For example, burial may reduce seed germination, seedling emergence, survival, and growth of seedlings and adult plants. At the community level, burial acts as a filter and selectively eliminates susceptible species, reduces the relative abundance of less tolerant species, and increases the abundance of tolerant and sand-dependent species. However, if sand deposition continues unabated, even the sand-dependent species are eliminated and a bare area is created. The emergence of a plant from a burial deposit primarily depends on the energy reserves in its storage organs and the speed, depth, and frequency of burial. Upon burial the plants shift resources from the belowground to the aboveground parts. Different plants show varied morphological responses to sand accretion. For example, the culms of grasses emerge by an increase in the number of nodes per culm and the elongation of internodes. Similarly, the emergent trunks and woody branches of tolerant trees and shrubs produce new buds and suckers at a higher level on the stem. In response to burial, the coastal sand dune species produce shootborne roots close to the new soil surface probably because of decreased oxygen levels.Key words: sand accretion, adaptations to burial, zonation of vegetation, burial of seeds, plant vigour, impact on communities, modes of emergence.

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