In 2018, Portuguese researchers proposed the "Tool for Quality Assessment of Genetic Counseling," a 5-point Likert scale comprising 50 items across five dimensions, designed to assess genetic counseling from the professional's perspective. This descriptive, cross-sectional study aimed to adapt this tool to Brazilian Portuguese, validate it among Brazilian clinical geneticists, and conduct a preliminary assessment of the quality of genetic counseling in Brazil. The adaptation process involved expert-driven content validation and calculation of the Content Validity Index (CVI) to ensure equivalence between the original and adapted versions. The adapted tool was subsequently administered to 81 clinical geneticists, including physicians and nurses, and the data were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis. Items with factor loadings above 0.4 were retained for interpretive purposes. Results were normalized and categorized. The adapted items achieved acceptable CVIs, ranging from 0.831 to 1.0, demonstrating strong validity. Scale results revealed that the dimensions "genetic counseling outcomes" (100%), "education" (86.41%), and "individual attributes" (80%) were rated as very good, "counselor-client relationship" (76.33%) as good, and "service functioning" (59.95%) as sufficient. These findings indicated that although participants perceived the genetic counseling they provided as achieving desired outcomes, deficiencies in service functioning negatively impacted perceptions of overall quality, highlighting the need for systemic improvements to enhance service delivery. This cross-cultural adaptation validated a reliable new instrument for Brazilian professionals, providing a robust foundation for future research and applications in diverse clinical settings.
Published Version
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