
Static stretching (SS), dynamic stretching (DS), and combined stretching (CS; i.e., DS+SS) are commonly performed as warm-up exercises. However, the stretching method with the greatest effect on flexibility and performance remains unclear. This randomized crossover trial examined acute and prolonged effects of SS, DS, and CS on range of motion (ROM), peak passive torque (PPT), passive stiffness, and isometric and concentric muscle forces. Twenty healthy young men performed 300 sec of active SS, DS, or CS (150-sec SS followed by 150-sec DS and 150-sec DS followed by 150-sec SS) of the right knee flexors on four separate days, in random order. Subsequently, we measured ROM, PPT, and passive stiffness during passive knee extension. We also measured maximum voluntary isometric and concentric knee flexion forces and surface electromyographic activities during force measurements immediately before, immediately after, and 20 and 60 min after stretching. All stretching methods significantly increased ROM and PPT, while significantly decreasing isometric knee flexion force (all p < 0.05). These changes lasted 60 min after all stretching methods; the increases in ROM and PPT and the decreases in isometric muscle force were similar. All stretching methods also significantly decreased passive stiffness immediately after stretching (all p < 0.05). Decreases in passive stiffness tended to be longer after CS than after SS or DS. Concentric muscle force was decreased after SS and CS (all p < 0.05). On the other hand, concentric muscle force was unchanged after DS, while the decreases in surface electromyographic activities during concentric force measurements after all stretching methods were similar. Our results suggest that 300 sec of SS, DS, and CS have different acute and prolonged effects on flexibility and muscle force.

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