
Instance segmentation of sonar images is an effective method for underwater target recognition. However, the mismatch among positioning accuracy found by boxIoU and classification confidence, which is used as NMS score in current instance segmentation models; and the high annotation cost of sonar images, are two major problems in the task. To tackle these problems, in this paper, we present a novel instance segmentation method called Mask-Box Scoring R-CNN and embedded it in our proposed deep active learning framework. For the mismatch problem between boxIoU and NMS score, Mask-Box Scoring R-CNN uses a boxIoU head to predict the quality of the bounding boxes. We amend the non-maximum suppression (NMS) score predicted by BoxIoU to preserve high-quality bounding boxes in inference flow. To deal with the annotating problem, we propose a triplets-measure-based active learning (TBAL) method and a balanced-sampling method applicable for deep learning. The TBAL method evaluates the amount of information of unlabeled samples from the aspects of classification confidence, positioning accuracy, and mask quality. The balanced-sampling method selects hard samples from the dataset to train the model to improve performance. The experimental results show that Mask-Box Scoring R-CNN achieves improvements of 1% in boxAP and 1.3% boxAP on our sonar image dataset compared with Mask Scoring R-CNN and Mask R-CNN, respectively. The active learning framework with TBAL and balanced sampling can achieve a competitive performance with less labeled samples than other frameworks, which can better facilitate underwater target recognition.

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