
Despite their technological importance for water splitting, the reaction mechanisms of most water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) are poorly understood. This paper combines theoretical and experimental methods to reveal mechanistic insights into the reactivity of the highly active molecular manganese vanadium oxide WOC [Mn4V4O17(OAc)3]3− in aqueous acetonitrile solutions. Using density functional theory together with electrochemistry and IR-spectroscopy, we propose a sequential three-step activation mechanism including a one-electron oxidation of the catalyst from [Mn23+Mn24+] to [Mn3+Mn34+], acetate-to-water ligand exchange, and a second one-electron oxidation from [Mn3+Mn34+] to [Mn44+]. Analysis of several plausible ligand exchange pathways shows that nucleophilic attack of water molecules along the Jahn–Teller axis of the Mn3+ centers leads to significantly lower activation barriers compared with attack at Mn4+ centers. Deprotonation of one water ligand by the leaving acetate group leads to the formation of the activated species [Mn4V4O17(OAc)2(H2O)(OH)]− featuring one H2O and one OH ligand. Redox potentials based on the computed intermediates are in excellent agreement with electrochemical measurements at various solvent compositions. This intricate interplay between redox chemistry and ligand exchange controls the formation of the catalytically active species. These results provide key reactivity information essential to further study bio-inspired molecular WOCs and solid-state manganese oxide catalysts.


  • Note that no protonation of the cluster is observed by crystallography, spectroscopy or mass spectrometry,[19] unlike other POM-water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) discussed in the literature.[62]

  • The vanadate signature appears less well resolved at high water content, yet, no significant peak shi or change in intensity was observed.[63,64]. This suggests that the structural integrity of the cluster is maintained, and that no acetate-to-water ligand exchange is observed during this period

  • We demonstrate that the currently most plausible activation mechanism involves a one-electron oxidation of the catalyst [Mn23+Mn24+] / [Mn3+Mn34+], followed by acetateto-water ligand exchange and a second one-electron oxidation from [Mn3+Mn34+] to [Mn44+]

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The development of noble metal-free water oxidation catalysts[1,2] (WOCs) is o en inspired by natural photosynthesis, where a calcium manganese oxide cubane (the oxygen evolving complex, OEC) oxidizes water near the thermodynamic potential.[3,4] Molecular model complexes are o en used in mechanistic studies of the catalytic cycle.[5,6,7,8] the design ofWhile the last decade has seen tremendous progress in POMWOC synthesis and catalysis, mechanistic studies are rare, in part due to challenges related to POM-WOC stability.[21,22] Early studies by Musaev and colleagues explored the electronic structure and accessible oxidation states of ruthenium tungstate POM-WOCs.[23]. Edge Article unravel a three-step activation mechanism consisting of a oneelectron oxidation of the catalyst, acetate-to-water ligand exchange, and a second one-electron oxidation.

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