
In scientific sources that deal with the activities of headmasters in educational institutions, the headmaster is considered to be one of the most important people in an educational institution, with the greatest authority, and on whom the success and smooth functioning of the institution depends. Every education system and educational institution needs a sufficient number of teachers to ensure that the demand for educational services is met. In face of the declining number of teachers, both in Lithuania and in Europe, strategic documents set targets to ensure a sufficient number of teachers by the end of the decade. The article analyses actions by headmasters of general education institutions directed at attracting new teachers, and the reasons for choosing a general education institution as a workplace for new teachers. It presents a study which found that headmasters attract new teachers by creating an organisational culture, and retain them by providing the support they need. Heads of educational establishments believe that attracting new teachers is not dependent on managerial decisions, and that better financial opportunities for the establishment would attract new teachers.

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