
ABSTRACT: This research aimed at studying the action of the herbicides imazethapyr and lactofen on the root system and rhizobium/plant interaction, when they are sprayed at two phenological development stages of soybean cultivars under different soil water management. The soybean cultivars MG/BR 46 Conquista (conventional) and BRS Valiosa (RR) were submitted to three minimum soil water potential (Ψs): -0.03; -0.07 and -0.5 MPa at the V2 and V4 phenological stages. The herbicides imazethapyr at the rate (100 g a.i. ha-1) and lactofen at the rate (180 g a.i. ha-1) were sprayed 10 days after the start of water restrictions. Twenty-one days after the application of the herbicides, root dry matter and root nodulation were evaluated. The BRS Valiosa (RR) soybean cultivar presented better nodule formation and a more efficient and more adapted root system to support moderate drought stress conditions (-0.07 MPa). The MG/BR 46 Conquista (conventional) soybean cultivar presented lower the root system growth when submitted to the spraying of imazethapyr and lactofen. The activity of N2-fixating bacteria was affected by the spraying of the herbicides imazethapyr and lactofen.

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