
The semi-structured research interview is commonly used in EAP research to gain emic or insider perspectives. However, critics suggest that simplistic approaches to interview are pervasive, and that interview data is over-used and under-analysed by qualitative researchers. In this study, I consider the interactional nature of the EAP research interview by using the Conversation Analysis (CA) lens of action and understanding to enhance a more traditional qualitative analysis of interview data from semi-structured interviews with six European research scientists. I examine how the scientists position attitudes to the proposition that non-native English speakers are disadvantaged in writing for publication compared to their native speaker counterparts. The analysis focuses on how the scientists use pronominal subject + cognitive verb discourse markers (e.g., you know, I mean, I guess) to mark stance, shift focus, and renegotiate the linguistic (dis)advantage proposition. In doing so, they move beyond the native/non-native binary and introduce non-discursive factors as barriers to research publication success. The study highlights how an analysis of both the structure and the content of interview talk can enrich understanding of the worldviews of interview participants. It also illustrates how EAP researchers might address existing methodological critiques concerning the simplistic use of interview data.

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