
The aim of the present biomechanical study was to evaluate the stability of a novel simple and cost-effective mini-open double cow-hitch suture button technique of acromioclavicular (AC) joint stabilization in comparison to a well-established double tight-rope technique. A total of 12 fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were randomized into two treatment groups. In either a coracoclavicular stabilization with a standard double tight-rope technique (Group 1; n = 6, age 78years ± 10) or a double cow-hitch with two No. 5 FiberWire strains looped in a bicortical button placed at the bottom of the coracoid process (Group 2; n = 6, age 80years ± 13). Both techniques were equally augmented with an AC joint cerclage using a FiberTape. All shoulders were tested in a servo-hydraulic material testing machine for elongation/cyclic displacement (in mm) after cyclic loading (70N cyclical load, 1500 cycles), stiffness (N/mm) and ultimate load to failure (N). The mechanism of failure was recorded. All tests were performed in a previously published testing setup. After 1500 cycles, group 2 showed a cyclic displacement of 1.67mm (SD 0.85), compared to 1.04mm (SD 0.23) cyclic displacement in group 1 (p = 0.11). The cyclic displacement after AC reconstruction in group 1 was 0.36mm lower than in the native state with intact ligaments (p = 0.19), whereas the cyclic elongation in group 2 was 0.05mm higher compared to the native situation (p = 0.87). Stiffness after reconstruction was significantly higher in group 1 compared to the native specimen (p = 0.001), in group 2 it was similar as before the reconstruction (p = 0.64). Ultimate load to failure and stiffness were higher in group 1 with 424N (SD 237) and 68.6N/mm (SD 8.2), compared to 377N (SD 152) and 68N/mm (SD 13.3) in group 2, without reaching statistical significance (p = 0.69 and 0.89). The most common failure modes were clavicular fractures at the tight rope drill holes (n = 2) and clavicular fractures medially at the fixation site (n = 2) in group 1, and coracoid button break-through (n = 3) and clavicular fractures medially at the fixation site (n = 2) in group 2. Stabilization of the AC joint with a novel mini-open double cow-hitch suture button technique resulted in a similar low elongation, high stiffness and ultimate load to failure compared to a double tight-rope technique. This cost-effective technique for AC joint stabilization could demonstrate a sufficient biomechanical stability with especially high stiffness and load-to-failure. Biomechanical study.

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