It is known that in the design of quieter mechanical systems, vibration and noise control play important roles. Recently, acoustic black holes have been effectively used for structural design in controlling vibration and noise. An acoustic black hole is a power-law tapered profile to reduce phase and group velocities of wave propagation to zero. Additionally, the vibration energy at the location of acoustic black hole increases due to the gradual reduction of its thickness. The vibration damping, sound reduction, and vibration energy harvesting are the major applications in structural design with acoustic black holes. In this paper, a review of basic theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies on the applications of acoustic black holes is presented. In addition, the influences of the various geometrical parameters and the configuration of acoustic black holes are presented. The studies show that the use of acoustic black holes results in an effective control of vibration and noise. It is seen that the acoustic black holes have a great potential for quiet design of complex structures.
It is known that with the development of high-speed machinery, the control of unwanted vibration and noise are very important for their stability and reliability, as well as the environmental noise impact [1]
This review has presented the recent theoretical and numerical studies on acoustic black holes (ABH)
It is shown that the use of ABH in structural design is effective in controlling vibration and noise without adding additional mass
It is known that with the development of high-speed machinery, the control of unwanted vibration and noise are very important for their stability and reliability, as well as the environmental noise impact [1]. In recent times micro-devices, such as portable electronics and wireless remote sensors, are developed and widely used [6] Most of these low-power electronics are powered by battery. In the design of portable micro devices, the challenge is to reduce the weight and size of the host structure. Approaches to increase the energy harvested from the vibrations of the host structures are desirable [8]. Wwhheerree tthhee eexxppoonneenntt mm iiss aa ppoossiittiivvee rraattiioonnaall nnuummbbeerraanndd mm ≥22,,ppaarraammeetteerr εε iiss aa ccoonnssttaanntt,, xx iiss tthhee ddiissttaannccee ffrroomm tthhee ttiipp ooff tthhee ppoowweerr--llaaww ccuurrvvee wwiitthh rreessiidduuaall tthhiicckknneessss,, aanndd tthhee sscchheemmee iiss sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 22. EEqquuaattiioonnss ((66))––((88)) iinnddiiccaattee tthhaatt tthhee AABBHH ccaann aalltteerr wwaavvee ssppeeeedd ttoo ddeeccrreeaassee aanndd tthhaatt aallssoo rreessuulltt iinn tthhee ccoonncceennttrraattiioonn ooff vviibbrraattiioonn eenneerrggyy aatt tthhee AABBHH llooccaattiioonn wwhheenn mm ≥≥ 22.
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