
Avidin affinity chromatography was used to rapidly purify acetyl-CoA carboxylase to homogeneity in high yield from chicken liver. Dissociation of the purified carboxylase with dodecyl sulfate yielded a single size class of subunit polypeptide of 225,000 daltons. A steady state kinetic analysis of the carboxylase-catalyzed carboxylation of acetyl-CoA gave rise to intersecting line patterns in all double-reciprocal plots of initial velocity with each substrate pair, i.e. ATP . Mg and HCO3(-) and acetyl-CoA. It was concluded that the kinetic mechanism involves a quaternary complex of the enzyme, ADP, Pi, and acetyl-CoA rather than a double displacement as previously believed. The ordered addition of ATP, HCO3(-), and then acetyl-CoA, to the citrate-activated form of the carboxylase is the kinetic mechanism most consistent with the results.


  • Avidin affinity chromatographywas used to rapidly mechanism [1, 8], i.e. a double displacement kinetic mechapurify acetyl-coA carboxylase to homogeneity inhigh nism

  • We show by steady state kinetic analysisthattheacetyl-coA carboxylase-catalyzed reaction does not proceed by a double displacement mechanism as previously believed

  • The results presented are most consistent with an ordered Ter Terkinetic mechanism

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Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase

From the Departmentof Physiological Chemistry, The Johns HopkinUs niversity School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland21205. Each assay was initiated by the addition of 7 pg of purified acetyl-coA carboxylase (4.5 to 5.5 units/mg of protein) to 1. Evidence implicating these two "half-reactions'' in the overall ml of reaction mixture at 37 "C containing 10 mM potassium citrate, process catalyzed by the mammalian and aviancarboxylases derives both from isotopic-exchange studies [1,2,3,4] and direct stoichiometric experiments [1, 5] withenzyme The pellet is gently resuspended with the aid of a Teflon homogenizer in 1 liter of a buffer containing 144 g of ammonium sulfate(25% saturated), 0.05 M potassium phosphate, pH7.0,0.5mM EDTA, 5 mM

Fraction Number
Michaelis constants
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