
Knowledge of a truncated Fourier series expansion for a 2 π 2\pi -periodic function of finite regularity, which is assumed to be piecewise smooth in each period, is used to accurately reconstruct the corresponding function. An algebraic equation of degree M is constructed for the M singularity locations in each period for the function in question. The M coefficients in this algebraic equation are obtained by solving an algebraic system of M equations determined by the coefficients in the known truncated expansion. If discontinuities in the derivatives of the function are considered, in addition to discontinuities in the function itself, that algebraic system will be nonlinear with respect to the M unknown coefficients. The degree of the algebraic system will depend on the desired order of accuracy for the reconstruction, i.e., a higher degree will normally lead to a more accurate determination of the singularity locations. By solving an additional linear algebraic system for the jumps of the function and its derivatives up to the arbitrarily specified order at the calculated singularity locations, we are able to reconstruct the 2 π 2\pi -periodic function of finite regularity as the sum of a piecewise polynomial function and a function which is continuously differentiable up to the specified order.

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