
Background and Objectives Chat generated pre-trained transformer (ChatGPT) is a conversational artificial intelligence model, which has recently attracted worldwide attention by enabling natural conversations based on huge information from deep learing in various fields. Several studies have reported usefullness and reliability of medical information obtained by ChatGPT, but there are no studies explaining reliability and accuracy in the field of otorhinolarynoglogy. On this regard, we investigated the accuracy of information on sudden sensorineural hearing loss obtained by ChatGPT.Materials and Method Twenty-five questions and answeres related to sudden sensorineural hearing loss were recorded from ChatGPT based on textbook from Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Clinical Guidelines of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Answers were shown to one specialist in otorhinolaryngoly in a blind test and asked to assess their accuracy. Each question was rated as ‘accurate’ or ‘inaccurate.’ If the contents were not found in the textbook or the guidelines, it was rated as ‘unreliable.’Results Of the 25 questions, 19 (76%) were identified as ‘accurate,’ 6 (24%) were ‘inaccurate,’ and 0 (0%) were ‘unreliable.’ Questions about definition, prevalence, hearing rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment were found to be more accurate than the average, while causes and prognosis were less accurate than the average.Conclusion The information on sudden sensorineurla hearing loss obatined from ChatGPT was quite accurate. It is expected to provide substantial help to patients and doctors. As medicine and medical artificial intelligence develop together, further research is needed on reliability and accuracy in vaious diseases and fields of otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery.

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