
Summary Secondary wood growth in both a ♂ and a ♀ plant of Schinus Molle has been studied in Bari, Puglia. The bulk of the secondary wood has been found to be made up of substitution fibres full of starch grains, which it would be more appropriate to call fusiform wood parenchyma cells (according to the « Glossary of Terms Used in Describing Woods», in Tropical Woods, N° 36, 1933). There are no annual rings: the thickening is due to the addition of successive «growth layers», 3 or 4 per year. The cambium does not undergo any evident resting period, neither in summer nor in winter, but only periods of suspended activity: the periods of suspended activity do not occur simultaneously in the ♂ and ♀ plants, but in different months. Each period of cambial activity passes through the three stages of initial, maximum, and decreasing intensity and lasts for 2–3–4 months depending on the season and the sex. Tipically the growing period starts with the deposition of new elements; next follows lignification of these same elements; during the third stage starch grains appear in the fusiform and radial parenchyma cells of the newly formed wood. During 1952, 4 growth layers have been formed in the ♂ and 3 in the ♀ plant. In general each episode is slower and more diluted in time in the ♀ plant as compared to the ♂ one. A diversity in cambial behaviour as regards spring reawakening, between the two sexes of dioiceous plants had been already observed in Rhamnus Alaternus (De Paolis, 1949); in both species the ♂ plant appears to be more sensitive and more speedy in its reactions than the ♀ one. The author does not know of any research on cambial activity in S. Molle carried out in Peru, the native land of this species. Comparing its cambial activity as revealed by the present researches with that of other evergreen plants spontaneous in Puglia the existence of an essential difference is demonstrated: while in S. Molle cambial activity is subcontinuous, in the Mediterranean evergreen trees and shrubs so far studied the cambium undergoes two resting periods, one in winter, and a more or less well defined one in summer. Moreover cambial activity in S. Molle can be taken as continuous if the plants of both sexes are considered, owing to their asinchronism (the same phenomenon happens in flowering times). This lack of a well defined growth cycle corresponds to a similar lack of a well defined seasonal cycle in the climate of the interandine Peruvian valleys, the original habitat of S. Molle, where the mean temperatures of the coldest months vary from 5,8° C to 11,9° C, while those of the hottest months vary from 10,3° C to 15,9° C, with yearly excursions of 4,5 to 5° C. On the other hand the type of secondary th ckening by successive apposition of wood layers recalls closely that of a group of Mediterranean plants studied in Puglia, that is Ficus carica (Giannuoli, 1949), Olea europaea (Armenise, 1950), and Phillyrea latifolia (Maranò, 1953). In the case of these species the authors had suggested that they belonged, or were related to genera which had originated or developed in regions lacking a well defined seasonal climatic cycle. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that S. Molle, a recently imported tropical plant has maintained in our Mediterranean climate not only its original type of secondary thickening, but also its original growth rythm. S. Molle can be considered an experimental test of an hypothesis based so far on the interpretation of observation data.

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