
This paper presents our work in developing an application specific multiprocessor system for SAT, utilizing the most recent results such as the development of highly efficient sequential SAT algorithms, the emergence of commercial configurable processor cores and the rapid progress in IC manufacturing techniques. Based on an analysis of the basic SAT search algorithm, we propose a new parallel SAT algorithm that utilizes fine grain parallelism. This is then used to design a multiprocessor architecture in which each processing node consists of a processor and a communication assist node that deals with message processing. Each processor is an application specific processor built from a commercial configurable processor core. All the system configurations are determined based on the characteristics of SAT algorithms, and are supported by simulation results. While this hardware accelerator system does not change the inherent intractability of the SAT problems, it achieves a 30-60x speedup over and above the fastest known SAT solver - Chaff. We believe that this system can be used to expand the practical applicability of SAT in all its application areas.

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