
Manoocher Aryanpur. “PL and the Odyssey.” TSLLRobert Beum. “So Much Gravity and Ease.”Christine Brooke‐Rose. “Metaphor in PL: A Grammatical Analysis.”Mario A. DiCesare. “Advent'rous Song: The Texture of Milton's Epic.”E. J. Dobson. “Milton's Pronunciation.”Language and Style in MiltonRonald David Emma. “Grammar and Milton's English Style.”Stanley Fish. “Milton's God: Two Defences and a Qualification.”K. G. Hamilton. “The Structure of Milton's Prose.”Hilda M. Hulme. “On the Language of PL: Its Elizabethan and Early Seventeenth‐Century Background.”John Huntley. “Milton's 23rd Sonnet.”John R. Knott, Jr. “The Visit of Raphael: PL, Book V.”Thomas Langford. “The Temptations in PR.”Anthony Low. “The Parting in the Garden in PL.”Leo Miller. “Milton's Reason of Church GovernmentEarl Miner. “Felix Culpa in the Redemptive Order of PL.”Ruth Mohl. “John Milton on Some of the Writings of His Day.”George M. Muldrow. “An Irony in PR.”John E. Parish. “Milton and the Well‐Fed Angel.”C. A. Patrides. “PL and the Language of Theology.”Jospeh Pequigney. “Milton's Sonnet XIX Reconsidered.”B. Rajan. “Comus: The Inglorious Likeness.”B. Rajan. “In Order Serviceable.”William John Roscelli. “The Metaphysical Milton (1625–1631).”John T. Shawcross. “Milton's Italian Sonnets: An Interpretation. “University of Windsor ReviewJohn T. Shawcross. “Orthography and the Text of PL.”John M. Steadman. “Ethos and Dianoia: Character and Rhetoric in PL.”Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr. “Milton, Man and Thinker: Apotheosis in Romantic Criticism.”Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr. “Milton's Lycidas, 192.”Michael J. Tolley. “Blake's ‘Edens Flood’ Again.”J. C. Maxwell. “Milton in Wordsworth's Praise of Spenser.”U. C. Knoepflmacher. “The Post‐Romantic Imagination: Adam Bede, Wordsworth, and Milton.”Franklin R. Baruch. “Bellow and Milton: Professor Herzog in His Garden.”

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