
Background: Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) is the only FDA approved medical therapy for acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Prior study suggests that early recanalization is associated with better stroke outcome. Our aim was to correlate task-negative and task-positive (TN/TP) resting state network activity with tissue perfusion and functional outcome, in stroke patients who received TPA. Method: AIS patients were consented and underwent NIH stroke scale (NIHSS) assessment and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans during TPA infusion (baseline) and six hours post stroke. The MRI sequences include contrast-enhanced perfusion weighted image (PWI) and resting state Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent or BOLD (RSB) images acquired using a Siemens Treo 3T MRI scanner. Additionally, the RSB scan and the NIHSS were obtained at a 30-day follow up visit. Results: Fourteen patients (mean age ± SD=63 ±14, 50% male, 50% white, 43% black and 7% others) who qualified for TPA completed the study at baseline and 6 hours post stroke. Of these, 6 patients had valid follow up data at 30 days. Three patients without cerebral ischemia were excluded. A paired samples t-test comparing baseline and 6h post stroke showed a significantly improved TP network t(10)= -4.24 p< 0.05. The resting network connectivity improved from 6 hours post stroke to 30-days follow up, t(5)= -5.35 p< 0.01. Similarly, NIHSS, at 6h post stroke t(10)= 3.62 p< 0.01 and at 30-days follow up t(5)= -3.4 p< 0.01 were significantly better than the NIHSS at baseline. The 6-hours post-stroke perfusion correlated with the resting network connectivity in both the damaged (r=-0.56 p= 0.07) and intact hemispheres (r= -0.57 p= 0.06). Differences in functional connectivity and NIHSS scores from baseline to 6 h were positively correlated (r= 0.56 p=0.07). Conclusion: In this pilot study we found that TPA led to changes in MRI based resting state networks and associated functional outcome. Correlations were found between perfusion, functional connectivity and NIHSS. This suggests that the improvement of resting state network means improved efficiency of brain activity indicated by functional outcome and may be a potential predictive MRI biomarker for TPA response. A larger study is needed to verify this finding.

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