
Abstract Four years ago, after our Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) Breast and Cancer Centers experience, we decided to initiate a related translational research Project at the Breast Center Buenos Aires (BCBA) in Argentina. This included the development of a breast cancer-oriented Management System for clinical and lab data attached to a biorepository of tumor and normal breast tissue with matched blood specimens. We strictly followed ISBER Best Practices for Biorepositories, and shared the same protocols and strategies with BCM to facilitate international collaborative breast cancer research, being extremely aware of international standards. Objectives: Creation of a breast cancer-oriented blood, breast tissue and tumor biobank for translational research purposes. Creation of a Biobank Management and Tracking System, with a breast cancer database for associated epidemiological, pathological, clinical, and follow-up data of each patient. Methods: From April 2011 to June 2013 we processed blood and tissue samples from BCBA. Blood is collected at several time points during the breast cancer disease process: pre-surgical, pre-systemic treatment, and, if applicable, in the metastatic setting. Blood products are stored as whole blood, plasma, buffy coat, red blood cell pellet, serum and clot at -80°C or in GenPlates®. Fresh tissue and tumor samples were collected during surgical or core biopsy proceedings and stored fresh at -80°C in 1 ml cryovials and as FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin embedded) tissue. Upon enrollment, participants completed an extensive epidemiological and risk factor questionnaire, which is supplemented by medical record abstraction for relevant pathological and clinical data, and re-contacted once a year for follow-up. Preparation and adaptation processes were compliant with the Population Sciences Biorepository and Smith Breast Center Tumor Bank at BCM: 1) IRB-approved informed consent documents 2) Epidemiological and risk factor questionnaires (Core/Breast module); 3) Blood and tissue collection and processing protocols. A web-based data management and tracking system was specifically designed for the BCBA biobank. Results: To date, we have collected 9043 samples, from 274 individuals, in 293 sample collections. Of 5449 frozen samples, 5054 (92.7%) are blood and 395 (7.3%) are tissue. We also collected 3264 blood samples in GenPlate® wells from 68 patients on 17 plates, and extracted DNA from them into Gentegra® tubes, all stored at room temperature. 230 FFPE breast cancer tissue biopsies from 20 surgical specimens, given by the pathologist after diagnosis, stored in cassettes at room temperature in our lab, were also included in the system starting from January 2013. All of them have been classified by the physician into three categories: Healthy Control 15.3% (n = 42), Benign 55.1% (n = 151) and Cancer 29.6% (n = 81). We collected epidemiological, and cancer data from all of them in our system. Conclusion: It took nearly 4 years from inception to realization for this biobank; however, the potential benefit to translation breast cancer research is large. The overall value of this biobank will depend on the number of individuals/samples accrued, the follow-up attained and data accuracy. Citation Information: Cancer Res 2013;73(24 Suppl): Abstract nr P4-19-03.

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