
Smoking cessation is critical to the goal of reducing cardiovascular diseases. Combustible cigarette smokers are more likely to have poor sleep health that is exacerbated upon cessation and can cause relapse. Use of electronic cigarettes has increased exponentially since their introduction to the market in 2007. Not known is the extent to which sleep disturbances that is common in combustible cigarette smokers is also associated with e-cigarette use. Using data collected as part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), we examined the association between non-smoking, smoking combustible, electronic, and dual (combustible + electronic) cigarettes with sleep disturbances (short sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, insomnia symptoms). Exact matching was used to generate matched samples of non-smokers (n=472), combustible only (n=472), e-cigarette only (n=472), and dual use (n=472) smokers on the variables of age, sex, race, educational attainment, overweight/obese, and days of poor mental health in the last month. In a univariate linear regression model of insomnia symptoms, when compared to non-smokers, cigarette only smokers reported an average of 0.87 (p=0.038) more days of insomnia symptoms in the last month while dual users reported an average of 0.77 (p=0.063) more (Table 1). For daytime sleepiness, dual users reported an average of 0.85 (p=0.002) more days with daytime sleepiness in the last month as compared to non-smokers. In terms of sleep duration, when compared to non-smokers, cigarette smokers reported getting 0.28 (p=.021) fewer hours of sleep, and dual users reported getting 0.34 fewer hours of sleep (p=0.005). Overall, as compared to non-smokers, combustible and dual cigarette smokers in this sample reported more disturbed sleep. Dual use smokers may be particularly vulnerable to sleep deficits, that in turn, may impede efforts to quit smoking and improve cardiovascular health.

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