
Apolipoprotein (apo) E3 and apoAI are exchangeable apolipoproteins that play a dominant role in regulating plasma cholesterol levels and are considered anti-atherogenic. ApoE3 (299 residues, ~34 kDa) serves as a ligand for the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) family of proteins that mediate cellular uptake and clearance of plasma lipoproteins. The ability of apoE3 to function as a ligand for LDLr resides in the N-terminal domain (NT) of apoE3. ApoAI (243 residues, ~28 kDa) lowers cholesterol levels through its ability to promote cholesterol efflux from peripheral tissues such as macrophages, forming HDL, which transports cholesterol back to the liver. Residues located in the C-terminal domain (CT) of apoAI mediate this function of promoting cholesterol efflux. The objective of this study is to generate chimeric apolipoproteins composed of apoE3 and apoAI to better understand the role of the C-terminal tail of the parent proteins. Two chimeras were generated by “domain swapping”: apoE3-NT/apoAI-CT and apoAI-NT/apoE-CT. They were overexpressed in E. coli, isolated and purified. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of epitopes from both parent proteins. Circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that the α-helical content of apoE3-NT/apoAI-CT and apoAI-NT/E-CT was 43 and 54 %, respectively, which is comparable to that of the parent proteins. Chemical denaturation was used to probe for changes in protein stability. Addition of CT of apoE3 to NT of apoAI conferred more stability to apoAI, while addition of CT of apoAI to NT of apoE3 had no significant effect on apoE3. The rate of apolipoprotein-induced conversion of DMPC vesicles to discoidal structures was followed to assess their lipid binding capability. ApoE3-NT/AI-CT displayed a rate constant that was ~10x higher compared to apoE3, while apoAI-NT/apoE-CT showed a rate constant similar to that of apoAI. Whereas apoE3-NT/apoAI-CT elicits the ability to bind to the LDLr, apoAI-NT/apoE-CT did not. Lastly, both chimeras promote ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from J774 macrophages, with the efflux capability being 2-fold greater for apoAI-NT/apoE-CT. These results show that CT of apoAI can promote lipid binding of apoE3, while CT of apoE3 can improve cholesterol efflux ability of apoAI.

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