
Introduction: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an effective but highly underutilized therapy for heart disease. Efforts are underway to increase CR referral and enrollment, but little is known about the potential capacity for growth in CR utilization in the United States. To address this concern, we estimated the current national capacity of CR programs across the United States and assessed obstacles to potential growth. Methods: We surveyed all CR Program Directors listed in the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) database in November of 2012. Respondents reported current enrollment levels, current program capacity, program capacity given reasonable expansion, and obstacles to growth. Results: Of 812 Program Directors in the AACVPR database, 290 (36%) completed the full survey. Respondents represented somewhat larger programs compared to non-respondents (4.0 vs. 4.6 full time employees, p = 0.01), but were otherwise similar. Current enrollment levels demonstrated a median [IQ range] of 140 [75,232] patients per year and a current estimated capacity of 192 [100,300] patient per year. Respondents estimated that programs could expand services by 25% to 240 [141,380] patients annually, assuming a significant increase in patient demand and a feasible increase in resources. We estimate that if programs filled to their current capacity, national CR utilization rates would increase from 34.7% to 46.4% (95% CI, 43.9 to 48.9) of eligible US patients each year. Given feasible program expansion, utilization could increase to a maximum of 58.4% (95% CI, 55.2 to 61.6) of qualifying patients. Capacity projections based upon absolute patient numbers and national statistics revealed concordant results. The most commonly cited obstacles to increasing patient participation are shown in the figure. As seen, the majority (88%) are controllable system-related factors unrelated to patient behavior. Conclusions: Even with substantial expansion of all existing CR programs, there is currently insufficient capacity in current CR programs to meet national service needs. Solutions to this problem will likely include the creation of new CR programs, and new policies that improve reimbursement for CR and also embrace new models of CR delivery.

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