
EPR and optical absorption studies are reported on manganoan clinozoisite for the first time. The ESR spectrum shows a six-line transition due to Mn2+ ion and givesg ≈ 2.00 andA ≈ 84 × 10−4 cm−1. An intense resonance line atg=4.7 is identified as due to Fe3+. The optical absorption spectrum of clinozoisite mainly consists of six bands, located at 15380, 18510, 20400, 23520, 25180 and 34470 cm−1. The bands at 20400 and 25180 cm−1 are assigned to4 A 1,4 E(G) and4 E(D) states, respectively, since they are sharp and do not show any shifts on cooling to 80 K. The other bands at 15380, 18510, 23520 and 34470 cm−1 are assigned to4 T 1(G),4 T 2(G),4 T 2(D) and4 A 2(F) states, respectively, due to spin-forbidden transitions of Mn2+ sited in a distorted octahedron of oxygen atoms. The crystal field parameters which gave a good fit to the observed band positions areB=683 cm−1,C=2714 cm−1 andDq=683 cm−1.

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