
The fate of an imaginal disc cell of Drosophila can be affected by the associations and interactions that it has with other cells in the disc. A fragment of an imaginal disc, not regenerating under conditions allowing a complementary fragment to do so, can be stimulated to regenerate by interactions with cells of the complementary fragment [Haynie, J. L., and Bryant, P. J. (1976) Nature (London) 259, 659–662]. We report here that one nonregenerating fragment of an imaginal wing disc cannot be stimulated to regenerate by interactions with cells from other parts of the disc. This fragment, containing the anlagen of the distal wing, fails to regenerate proximally when combined with a proximal fragment even though this association stimulates some proximal fragments to regenerate distally. We suggest that this may be a phenomenon similar to that observed in cockroach legs by H. Bohn (1970, Wilhelm Roux Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organismen 165, 303–341), in which proximal regeneration from grafted distal leg segments proceeds only to a limited extent. We consider the possibility that there exist reiterated sets of positional information arranged concentrically in the wing disc.

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