
The decay and the structure of the 1 2 − [541] and 1 2 + [411] bands in 177Lu have been studied in the (n, γ) reaction by means of prompt and delayed γ-γ coincidence measurements. Nanosecond lifetime investigations with Ge(Li) detectors provided the following results for the 177Lu excited levels: T 1 2 (761.6 keV, 5 2 1 2 − [541]) = 35 ± 5 ns; T 1 2 (573.6 keV, 3 2 1 2 + [411]) = 3.5±1 ns; T 1 2 (457.9 keV, 5 2 5 2 + [402]) ≦0.8 ns . The structure of the 1 2 − [541] band and the decay of the 35 ns isomer 5 2 1 2 − [541] to the 1 2 + [411], 5 2 + [402] and 7 2 + [404] bands are discussed in terms of the Nilsson theory by taking into consideration pairing correlations and the rotation-particle coupling (RFC).

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