
For aphid parasitoids, the usefulness of alternative host aphids [AA] on other host plants has been suggested. Its value, however, depends upon the facility with which the parasitoids can switch between them and aphids on nearby food plants [FP]. Variations have been determined in selected demographic parameters [net and total fecundity rates, intrinsic rate of natural increase and progeny sex ratio [SR] of the aphid parasitoid Binodoxys indicus (Subba RAO & Sharma 1960) obtained from different natural resources [reared from different AA and FP collected from the fields/or reared in the laboratory] and transferred to different AA-FP combinations [host-complex]. The results demonstrated that B indicus readily transferred from AA and FP on which it can develop in nature, however, its reproductive potential varies greatly. Fecundity rates with female-biased SR were higher on cucurbit food plants [Lagenaria vulgaris Seringe, Luffa cylindrica Cav.] followed by pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan Millsp.], china rose [Hibiscus rosasinensis Linn.], lablab bean [Dolichos lablab Linn.] and egg plant [Solanum melongena Welles] particularly on the aphid Aphis gossypii Glover 1877 less on A craccivora Koch 1854.

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