
As an argument against the employment of the term enteric fever to designate the specific morbid process dependent upon the activity of the typhoid bacillus, it has properly been pointed out that the lesions are by no means confined to the intestinal tract, which may, and, in fact, occasionally does, escape involvement entirely. Accordingly, the derivatives, splenotyphoid, pneumotyphoid, pleurotyphoid, have already found their way into the literature as descriptive of special localizations of the morbid process. To these there has recently been added the designation arthrotyphoid, to describe the condition present in a case of typhoid fever reported by Barjon and Lesieur<sup>1</sup>in which there was articular involvement. The patient was a boy, 17 years old, who had had an attack of typhoid fever at the age of 8 years, and one of acute rheumatism at the age of 11 years; and now, again presented symptoms of the former

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