
The relativistic configuration interaction valence-bond method has been used to calculate permanent and transition electric dipole moments of the KRb heteronuclear molecule as a function of internuclear separation. The permanent dipole moment of the ground-state $X{}^{1}{\ensuremath{\Sigma}}^{+}$ potential is found to be 0.30(2) ${\mathrm{ea}}_{0}$ at the equilibrium internuclear separation with excess negative charge on the potassium atom. For the $a{}^{3}{\ensuremath{\Sigma}}^{+}$ potential the dipole moment is an order of smaller magnitude (1 ${\mathrm{ea}}_{0}=8.47835{10}^{\ensuremath{-}30}\mathrm{Cm}).$ In addition, we calculate transition dipole moments between the two ground-state and excited-state potentials that dissociate to the $\mathrm{K}(4s)+\mathrm{Rb}(5p)$ limits. Using this data we propose a way to produce singlet $X{}^{1}{\ensuremath{\Sigma}}^{+}$ KRb molecules by a two-photon Raman process starting from an ultracold mixture of doubly spin-polarized ground state K and Rb atoms. This Raman process is only allowed due to relativistic spin-orbit couplings and the absence of gerade-ungerade selection rules in heteronuclear dimers.

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